Context Manager

In the previous tutorial we used the methods open() to connect to the device and close() to disconnect. Using those methods are useful if you want to do complex or asynchronous code. However, for most situations you should try to stick with the context manager. It handles opening and closing the session automatically and it’s the pythonic way:

>>> from napalm import get_network_driver
>>> driver = get_network_driver('eos')
>>> with driver('localhost', 'vagrant', 'vagrant', optional_args={'port': 12443}) as device:
...     print(device.get_facts())
...     print(device.get_interfaces_counters())
{'os_version': u'', 'uptime': 2010, 'interface_list': [u'Ethernet1', u'Ethernet2', u'Management1'], 'vendor': u'Arista', 'serial_number': u'', 'model': u'vEOS', 'hostname': u'NEWHOSTNAME', 'fqdn': u'NEWHOSTNAME'}
{u'Ethernet2': {'tx_multicast_packets': 1028, 'tx_discards': 0, 'tx_octets': 130744, 'tx_errors': 0, 'rx_octets': 0, 'tx_unicast_packets': 0, 'rx_errors': 0, 'tx_broadcast_packets': 0, 'rx_multicast_packets': 0, 'rx_broadcast_packets': 0, 'rx_discards': 0, 'rx_unicast_packets': 0}, u'Management1': {'tx_multicast_packets': 0, 'tx_discards': 0, 'tx_octets': 99664, 'tx_errors': 0, 'rx_octets': 105000, 'tx_unicast_packets': 773, 'rx_errors': 0, 'tx_broadcast_packets': 0, 'rx_multicast_packets': 0, 'rx_broadcast_packets': 0, 'rx_discards': 0, 'rx_unicast_packets': 0}, u'Ethernet1': {'tx_multicast_packets': 1027, 'tx_discards': 0, 'tx_octets': 130077, 'tx_errors': 0, 'rx_octets': 0, 'tx_unicast_packets': 0, 'rx_errors': 0, 'tx_broadcast_packets': 0, 'rx_multicast_packets': 0, 'rx_broadcast_packets': 0, 'rx_discards': 0, 'rx_unicast_packets': 0}}